A blog about technology, finance, data analytics and cryptocurrency


Installing Docker & WSL on Windows

docker windows devops

A full guide on installing Docker Desktop on Windows 11, in this tutorial we will give a hands on introduction to using Docker on Windows, with a simple example of running a Flask app using an Ubuntu image. This tutorial includes trouble shooting for installing WSL on Windows which is necessary for using Docker Desktop.

Published on June 28, 2024


Set up A Linux Server and Clone Private Git Repo

linux server github clone-repo ssh-key

In this post we will show how to set up a new Linux server in the cloud , create a sudo user, set up an ssh key pair and use this to authenticate with Github to clone a private repo.

Published on January 20, 2024


A Practical Intro to Webscraping

python web scrape beautifulSoup find_all bs4

A Practical Introduction to Web Scraping with Python: Utilizing the Beautiful Soup Package. In this article, we create a web scraper that retrieves temperatures from a table of global cities and saves them as a CSV file on your computer.

Published on December 30, 2023


Using Numba in Dash Callbacks without Errors

plotly dash numba errors

Using Numba's just-in-time compilation within Plotly Dash callbacks generally causes a strange to diagnose bug resulting in "Callback failed: the server did not respond" errors. In this article we show how this happens and how to fix it.

Published on December 30, 2023


Full Tutorial on Deploying a Dash app to Linux Server with Apache2

python apache plotly dash Ubuntu

Tutorial on deploying a Plotly Dash web application on your own linux server using apache and Ubuntu. Learn to deploy a basic app in less than 15 minutes.

Published on November 17, 2023


3 Important Vector Norms

ml vectors

Vectors norms are very important concept in machine learning. L1, L2 & Infinity are 3 Vector Norms of Python. Checkout our article to find how these vector norms are calculated!

Published on November 01, 2020